Thursday, December 16, 2010

Symbian And MeeGo Get Push Notifications!!

blogged by GmyDotCom

Push notifications is finally coming to the world’s most popular smartphone operating system – Symbian, and its cousin, MeeGo.  It’s not here yet, but the Nokia development team mentioned that it is coming soon, and developers will finally be able to send push notifications – you know – those highly intrusive notifications that tell you something is happening with your smartphone, for example, when it is on fire.  Push notification of course started with Android, and was then made popular by iOS and it is now on every self-respecting smartphone operating system.
Push notifications reduce the need for apps to continuously check the server for new events, so this should save on network resources as well as battery usage, and seeing how we value these two commodities, should be a godsend to people who can’t live without an online connection, like me.  According to Nimbuzz, makers of instant messaging software for a wide variety of mobile platforms, implementation was so easy it only took a couple of hours.

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