Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Word Processing apps for Apple's OS!!

blogged by GmyDotCom

QuickOffice's Quickword
One of the apps approved by Apple for the Apple apps store, it's another word processor that can edit Microsoft's Word documents, whether DOC or DOCX formats & text. There are some nice security features, like password protecting the document you're editing via WiFi. You also use WiFi to transfer files to a computer, using the phone much like a file-transport device. Also, while connected you can go to your Mobile Me account.

There's a file browser to browse your documents. You can then arrange them into separate folders depending on the categories. The facilities are the usual cut & paste & viewing in landscape or portrait mode. There's text formatting like bold, italics, underline, font sizes & styles, & you can indent by levels of bulleted or numbered lists & paragraphs, which you can also set alignment.

While you're typing, in either portrait or landscape mode, the app does auto-correction or predictive text, savings you a few strokes, & also auto-capitalization. The other facilities are auto-save & auto-restore. & you can wrap the text at any zoom level & double-tap to put in a period mark. The other double, or even triple tapping you'd do is to select entire word or paragraphs quickly.

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